Pricing Options
Auto-Renew subscriptions
when done consistently, yoga has been proven to have significant and positive effect on a person— body, mind, & heart—which is why we offer 2 different sized monthly subscriptions. We too know the value in being held accountable:)
conveniently recharge your classes automatically each month so you don’t have to remember. Going on vacation? There is no penalty to cancel before your next month charges. (easily cancel the autopay yourself or email hjmahler2020@cayayogatoledo.com)
5 classes/month $55
take up to 5 classes in a month; unused classes do not rollover
unlimited classes/month $99
*unlimited subscription includes taking unlimited classes in a month & access to all past classes that are available in the video library
class drop-in & Packages
We understand too that life can get FULL and make it difficult to get to your practice (usually when you need yoga the most!) which is why we also offer 3 different ways to take your classes with a looser time line….but not enough time that you forget the value of your practice entirely:)
drop-in class $18
purchase by registering for specific class; must reschedule if you need to cancel
*expires 5 months after date of first class
*expires 10 months after date of first class
*expires 1 month after date of purchase
*if you should need more time on your package than the expirations give, please reach out with an email to Heather: hjmahler2020@cayayogatoledo.com
PLEASE NOTE: There are no refunds given, only rescheduling
How to Schedule:
Unless you are buying a single class, you will want to purchase your class package or monthly subscription before you schedule your class(es). Pricing Option links are listed above these instructions, click on the option to purchase. You will receive an email confirmation that will contain a code to use when scheduling.
You can schedule directly from your purchase confirmation email OR look below these instructions for the Acuity Scheduling box.
Choose your category: IN STUDIO class {in person/in studio} or VIRTUAL class {live broadcast from the studio. You will receive a link to use to take class via Zoom AND another link for the recording of the class to take on your own if the scheduled time does not work for you} and then choose your class. *If you are new, scroll all the way down this page to take a look at our classes for day/time and descriptions
a calendar will pop up with highlighted dates and time of class; you can choose to schedule one day (click continue), add another date (click add a time) or recurring classes (click recurring)—you may schedule up to 2 months in advance. *MAKE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AFTER YOU SCHEDULE OR IT WILL LOOK LIKE YOU NEED TO SCHEDULE AGAIN.
Next you will fill in your personal information, then click CONTINUE TO PAYMENT.
On this page is where you will enter your code. Click APPLY to the right of the entered code. Then click CONFIRM at the bottom.
At any point you can SIGN UP to register your account. This is located in the top right corner of the box. This is also where you will LOGIN if you have created an account. Registering your account is optional but it will allow you to save your information so that you don’t have to re-enter. You will LOGIN and when you get to the checkout page you can go up to the right hand corner to toggle your email address and find your code(s) there. You will also be able to save a credit card, as well as track your class schedule.
Once scheduled you will receive two emails. The first will be an immediate confirmation of the class(es) you scheduled. If you chose VIRTUAL, your email will also include your Zoom link. The second email will be a reminder 1 hour before your class-it will also include the zoom link if you are virtual. Both emails have a link at the bottom should you need to cancel/change your class.
Any questions at all, please email Heather: hjmahler2020@cayayogatoledo.com
MONDAY 10am Yin Yoga
This class, with Heather Mahler ERYT-200, is a floor based, slow, contemplative practice that is suitable for all levels of yoga experience; intentions and options offered throughout the practice. Yin=yielding, allowing, nourishing. Benefits of this class may include: learning to surrender and soften to what feels unchangeable; bringing a calm, steadiness to body and mind; shifting your perspective; acceptance for where you're at in this present moment; developing a nurturing love for yourself.
Class includes somatic movement, breathwork, yin yoga postures, and savasana.
Monday 5pm Vinyasa Yoga
Join Shauna Gilsdorf ERYT-500, and flow into stillness. Shauna sources the breath as a guide as you flow one pose to the next. In this practice you will focus on the breath and the poses as a portal to stillness. Take a vacation from the “weight” of life that sometimes doesn’t feel even weighty until we soften.
Shauna’s students say, “No two of her classes are alike. We always look forward to the new ways she explores each pose. I always feel better when I leave.”
Take yoga with Shauna and begin to live your life differently.
Tuesday/Thursday 9am Mindful Core
Join Heather Mahler ERYT-200 to slowly & consciously build core strength. Regardless of age, strength, or flexibility, this class invites your mind and body to respond to challenges on its own terms. Mindfully build strength and tone in your core and supporting muscles, while continually being aware of body/mind reactions. This class includes pranayama (breath work) and specific intention setting.
Tuesday 7:30pm Restorative Stretch
Join Heather Miller-Klingler ERYT-500 to slow down and open your body through passive stretching. All bodies will benefit as you allow your muscles to deeply relax while supported by pillows and blankets you can find around your home. It's a good complement to more active practices and an excellent antidote to stress.
Stillness is a powerful practice. Clinical research into restorative yoga has found that it can decrease depression and improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and pain.
Wednesday 6pm Strengthen, Lengthen & Balance (SLB) Yoga
In this class with Heather Miller-Klingler ERYT-500, you will combine body weight exercises, Hatha Yoga, and Yin Yoga to strengthen and tone muscles while increasing flexibility and range of motion. Yoga tones both large and small muscles all over your body in balance with one another, while body weight exercises focus on one muscle group at a time by using the resistance your own body provides. Together, your body moves the way it was designed to move.
Saturday 9am Functional Yoga
In this class with Heather Mahler ERYT-200, use mindful movements coordinated with rhythmic breathing to harmonize the mind/body connection and release tension. The functional movements will encourage joint mobility and strength to support our everyday activities. Breathing practices and/or guided meditations will encourage new brain pathways to support a calm, clear and focused mind. Join Heather to feel better body, mind & heart.
Sunday 10am Dance for Wellness
In this class with Allie Batey, come ready to dance, move, stretch, and strengthen and no previous dance experience is needed! This multi-level approach to dance and movement will be the break from the norm that your body needs. This class offers a variety of originally choreographed warmups, aerobic dances, strength training, core work, barre technique, and yoga-based stretching. We hope to dance with you soon!