Yin Yoga for Seasonal Wellness
with Heather Mahler ERYT
Sunday, November 20 2-4pm
This time of the year can be stressful, exhausting, emotional—and not even in a “bad” way—but it depletes us none the less and leaves us feeling frazzled instead of joyful. Join me for this 2 hour Yin Yoga practice designed to increase your awareness, self-connection, & create an overall sense of space—in body, mind, & heart. Yin=yielding, allowing, nourishing.
This class is a floor based, slow, contemplative practice that is suitable for all levels of yoga experience; intentions and options offered throughout the practice. Benefits of this class may include: learning to surrender and soften to what feels unchangeable; bringing a calm, steadiness to body and mind; shifting your perspective; acceptance for where you're at in this present moment; developing a nurturing love for yourself.
Please bring your own mat.